I have around $25 in BTC but when I try to send it I can only send around $4 with a network fee of $7?

This is literally the reason BCH exists. Bitcoin has extremely high fees due to the limited amount of blockspace it has. A guy I spoke to four days ago was confused about this as well. Here was the response I wrote to him, which goes over how bitcoin's fees are calculated:

Bitcoin's fees are extremely high right now. According to Jahoe's mempool, you'll need to pay about 100 satoshis per byte for guaranteed next-block confirmation. Considering you paid only 4 satoshis per byte, and there are over 75,000 transactions waiting who all paid 4 satoshis per byte or more, it's safe to say your transaction is not going to confirm any time soon, if at all.

To put this in perspective, your transaction was 1,356 bytes in size. This amounts to (1356X100=) 135,600 satoshis. A satoshi is 1/100,000,000 of a bitcoin. So ($40,000 ÷ 100,000,000) X 135,600 = about $54. To have your transaction guaranteed to be confirmed in the next block, you'd have to pay about $54. If it's not confirmed within about 14 days, it will get rejected and you can try again.

To be clear, your transaction from Exodus is probably smaller than 1,356 bytes, and Bitcoin's fees right now as of typing are less than they were a few days ago when I wrote the above comment.

/r/ExodusWallet Thread Link - i.redd.it