[Article] Guam Governor Withdraws Support For Military Buildup: "Gov. Eddie Calvo said his administration no longer supports the military buildup, citing the federal government's high rate of denials for Guam's temporary foreign worker visa applications."

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)

The Guam Chamber of Commerce shares Calvo's frustration on the H-2B visa labor issue but doesn't think Guam should step away from the buildup, according to a Thursday statement.

Shortage of workers doesn't just threaten the buildup, but also local business on Guam, the governor said.

"It's not about whether or not the buildup is good for Guam - it's that if you wanted to say no, how could you stop it? It's good to see the governor realizing that whether he wants the buildup or not, whether he thinks it's good for the island or not, it's out of his hands," Bevacqua said.

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