Article: Microsoft's Creepy New Feature Gamifies Workplace Surveillance

More useless reports or in World of Warcraft terms, DPS meters that mean nothing.

If the work gets done on the deadline and makes people happy without complaints than it does not matter.

I mean the managers who are going to use this "technology" are not even gamers lol. 20% of the Public Service is younger than 30. The younger generation who are gamers know how useless these meters are.

The reports are good for finding ways to improve processes and standardizations for the average person, but unless you are at the highest level of productivity in a "competitive" environment, this won't work.

Data alone won't save your problems, sports and esports use this method and the best teams still do not win, so I highly doubt "Gamifying" our workplace is going to make it any different, but hey takes a Gamer to know better.

/r/CanadaPublicServants Thread