Article in the newspaper this morning #fuckmicahtransactions

Good. Forbes ran a similar piece:

I don’t give a shit if its only published because of a slow news day or whatever. Parents looking at their kids’ Cmas Lists will immediately take notice of the fact their kid wants a game that has a Real Money Shop that people are fed up with.

MTX aren’t insidious because working adults buy them. But because its core appeal is yet another “As Seen on TV” level fleece where parents and easily addicted folk are spending a crap load of real money on “entertainment” with a half life of four days.

I love RDR2 story, but after being online and realizing how many players are kids wanting to “fit in” there is no way in hell I’d buy it for any child who isn’t also capable of having their own credit card.

/r/reddeadredemption Thread Link -