Asia Argento was cheating on Anthony Bourdain with a french Journalist. The second and third pictures appeared online a few hours before he committed suicide.

Too complicated for what we know about women. The simple hypothesis sticks that while Weinstein was a piece of shit this particular woman entered into a transaction with her.

She told her then boyfriend about Weinstein (almost 20 years ago). He took it up with Weinstein and called him out. She then changed her story and dropped him. In fact Vincent says that she started disclosing personal stuff he had confided in her so that Weinstein had more material to destroy him with. Vincent lost opportunities and jobs. His career suffered and he suffered too.

After this episode she went on to date Weinstein for FOUR years. Does that sound like a rape victim?

Now when a genuine victim rose up and accused Weinstein of rape this BITCH became the shoutiest slut about Pond MeToo and the reason she did so is because she knew that everyone would know that she sold her body for favours.

This is a not someone who has been raped. That is someone who has perfected the art of exploiting and manipulating people.

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