So Asia just tweeted this.

So? If she was treated poorly by Eureka or just straight up ignored she would have posted about that instead so I'm guessing she went there when she was away or unavaliable for whatever reason. That still doesn't mean that Eureka was being shady specifically towards Asia.

It kind of really doesn't matter, because this sort of minor shit should get ironed out with the relevant party in private in my opinion. There are like a million reasons why Eureka might have not gone to Asia's booth. Maybe she was too busy, maybe she prioritized the fans rather than the queens and didn't get a chance to go visit some people, or chose not to. Maybe she just isn't that close to Asia, or maybe she was a bit annoyed or irritated with her over something, or maybe she just straight up forgot. As I said, a million reasons. It's immature to drag someone publically for something so minor. Just fucking text her and talk it out like adults.

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