Aside from reading, maths is the most important and fundamental subject there is.

not math alone, but math and physics, if one doesn't know how to differentiate metaphysical from reality, no matter how thorough is their critical or analytical thinking, they'll fall into the fallacy of "religious belief".
That's what's been happening with a plethora of humanity study subjects (including politics), and it's easily observed on flat-earthers and the likes.

We are living in an Era where objective knowledge is shunned, hated, and faced with emotional reactions. One can't theorize about anything pertaining to sensitive fields now-a-days without being met with pitchfork resistance of those who don't even understand the subject at hand on a basic level. Sure, in the past this happened to, but since everyone was divided on castes, the ignorant had no voice and often times wouldn't know about anything before it was thoroughly studied and publicized. Now things are different, fools actively engage in subjects that they do not understand.

Hence why Math must be accompanied by practical examples (physics), math on it's own slips into metaphysics, and that's a tad dangerous to be shown as a sole concept.

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