Ask Anything: 2017-03-21

I'm looking for medium gains, nothing mad, just get a nice bit of muscle on me, I'm not looking to be 'tank'.

I've been going to the gym for a while, but due to back problems I really can't push as hard as I'd like, so I'm looking for a 'boost'.

I'm thinking 20mg Diannabol, spread over two doses, for 4 weeks, paired with DMAA & Caffeine to get me going, then Novaldex after my cycle.

My main question is, as I'm only looking for sensible gains, not to become some hulking beast-mode sort of guy, would a 3-week cycle be enough?

Also, does my plan seem viable? And for others who have experience with Dbol, I've read a lot about 'water weight', any want to combat this, and would it even be an issue on such a light cycle such as mine?

I am already training, and eat well. 1 chicken breast, usually in a stir fry with veg (Protein and carbs) and then a protein shake + creatine pre-workout, then usually a portion of fish or pork, sometimes steak, with veg and rice for dinner.

With all this in consideration, would BCAAs be worth buying also?

/r/steroids Thread