Ask Anything Monday - Weekly Thread

I have a log file that returns different amounts of lines and at different lengths.

example: 06/04/2020 01:58:28 AM dirsync finished in 63.5 seconds. 06/04/2020 01:58:28 AM 2469 directories parsed, 1 files copied 06/04/2020 01:58:28 AM 5 files were updated by timestamp. 06/04/2020 01:58:28 AM

I would like to grab each line and remove the date time and just be left with:

"2469 directories parsed, 1 files copied" "5 files were updated by timestamp." etc.

then I can just print each string or the list if in a list.

I tried removing the timestamp from the log but I sill get other message put in its place anyway.

I thought this would be simple to do using a with open and readlines but I am struggling with the string slicing.

/r/learnpython Thread