[ASK] Are top clans having donation issues?

To be clear, this wasn't the first time a similar situation came up. When someone asks for war troops, we like to follow up and see how they did in their attacks, which is why we noticed this in the first place. It just got to a point where other clanmates were wondering why we were donating to people who apparently were part of some notable level 10 and level 11 clans that had lots of th10s and th11s.

As a clan, we're pretty good about making sure that everyone gets the right troops in a timely manner. We don't have ratios or restrictions on troop requests. We use kik to coordinate big troop donations to make sure everyone has what they need. I assumed most clans were like that.

Unless you're in one of these "top clans" is it really any business of yours?

I've considered joining some of these clans, including the one in this case, but after seeing that they are sending people out to find war troops from other clans I really wonder whether it's worth joining. I don't like the idea of sending clanmates to global to get troops when the overwhelming majority of players in the clan can donate max level troops.

standard response "ignore global chat like the plague" and moved along

So when we were starting up we didn't have any TH10s who could donate max golems or pekkas or hounds, and it was only because of the generosity of others who were on global that we were able to get max troops. Now that we have the ability to donate max troops, we're paying it forward by watching global at times and inviting people in low level clans who need troops and whose clanmates don't have the ability to donate max level troops. And to be clear, we are fully aware that they don't plan to stay, so it's not an issue of people just hopping after receiving troops.

I can understand if a level 3 or level 4 clan has to send people out to get troops, but something seems odd about a developed level 10 clan stacked with max th9s and late th10s and 11s sending people out to global to get troops.

And given the frequency in the last few months, I'm wondering whether this is affecting a lot of clans or just the dozen cases we encountered.

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