I asked my crush out and got rejected starter pack

So. Odd advice time.

My girlfriend and I had a fantastic first date. We kissed, the whole shabang. We hadn't really talked to each other much before this so we were sorta like strangers. Week goes by and she tells me she doesn't have romantic feelings for me. She thought she did, but she just kinda liked me.

My ass said, "I respectfully disagree. I'd like to continue hanging out and pursuing you, but if that's something you're not comfortable with I understand." She said she didn't feel like her mind would change and she didn't want to hurt me. I said I accept those terms and it wouldn't be her fault if I got my hopes up. We would continue hanging out as friends and I'd respect her physical and emotional distance. I told her, "I don't think I stand a snowball's chance in hell, but I won't forgive myself if I don't try."

Fast foward, she asks me if I'd take her as my girlfriend. Said she loves me, and now we've been in a wonderful relationship. So sometimes not giving up too soon is good. There's a way to keep trying without coming across as creepy, chauvinistic, or pathetic.

Just know when to quit and walk away.

Other than that, I believe in y'all. Don't surrender. :)

/r/starterpacks Thread Link - i.redd.it