Asked my husband to do a simple chore

A woman after my own heart! You're a badass?

I've had similar conversations with my husband a million times. Took a long time to sink in but he's finally getting it. He's even left the church but there's still a lot of undoing from the way he grew up and I refuse to continue to interact with his family who reinforces the toxic gender roles. I don't know if it can be undone all the way. I just had enough and gave up trying with his family. They are a drain on me. They haven't liked me from the get-go anyway. I was so naive when we got married.

Still I recognize he makes an effort to not repeat a good chunk of it. I just get tired having to explain ever little thing to him. He's very toxically positive like his family and can't understand why I'm upset a lot. I've wasted a lot of breath.

Some days I wonder if we'll make it because something will come up that shows it hasn't sunk in all the way and he seems to think I will just "come around". And he has a masterful way of making it my fault.

/r/exmormon Thread