i asked what my love life will look like moving forward and WOW did my deck have something to say !

i just started drawing these cards at random so the way i see it they are telling a chronological story. it starts with the devil. my shadow self is being revealed, the cracks in my facade are becoming obvious. because of this relationships are going to be unfulfilling and less than adequate unless i meet my flaws and do the inner work. the world. the beginning of a beautiful relationship, a whole, rounded, robust relationship. one that feels bigger than me. not sure if this is going to be platonic or romantic but it is going to be one that changes me. temperance. i draw temperance a lot in my readings and i have always seen her as a bringer if peace and contentment. this relationship, or maybe end of relationship, brings me peace and shakes me out of stagnancy. finally the magician. i am struggling to understand the meaning of this card in this reading, but when ever i see the magician i see power and abundance.

anyway ! this has been one of the most thought provoking readings i’ve done since i got my deck and is love to hear anyone’s thoughts!

/r/tarot Thread Link - i.redd.it