Asking About Biological Females Will Get You Banned & Hated

sounds like you hit peak trans. as heidischallenge says this actually more to do with you being "transphobic", by daring to ask about biological women. didn't you know that sex is now irrelevant? /s i wouldn't even have to say biological female if queer theory hadn't hijacked the word woman to mean anyone who thinks they're one. it's not really homosexual rights as it is queer rights. reading more about people like judith butler might help you understand our current quagmire.

as for women who are into audio, there are many professional female sound engineers and i think there are probably women who are audiophiles. i am more into photography and video myself and when i am online looking at information the majority of it is made by (and maybe for) males. the technical aspects of photography and film making seem to be overwhelmingly male. i think there could be a lot of reasons for this but i would rather just learn what i can and build my talent and let that speak for itself.

unfortunately, these days, reddit, and the internet as a whole are misogynistic cesspools. personally i only come here on reddit b/c this is the only space where i feel comfortable. they can't burn us at the stake literally, but so many reddit users are trolls and stalkers. i would rather just not deal with all that noise. i am unsure how banning works, but are you able to make a new account. your voice counts too and unfortunately many people think it's more valid than a women's voice.

i am glad you see misogyny for what it really is and know that women still face a lot of hurdles in the west. read up, be kind, and don't forget the lesson you learned.

/r/GenderCritical Thread