Asking Europeans if they would visit the US starter pack

I did yes, they were carrying a plywood shelf thing and drawers which while unwieldy, do not look overly heavy. Which in itself put forth a safety hazard with how they are precariously strapped on and how top-heavy it is. When I said heavy furniture, I meant things like fridges and lounges. The notion of renting a van shows we still need car infrastructure which goes against the absolutist view of r/fuckcars.

noone is excpecting labourers to move half a ton of concrete bags to a city 60 km away in 1 hour using a cargo bike

This again breaks the r/fuckcars absolutist mindset of no car infrastructure.

And yes, public transport can and should cover all non-rural parts of a country

But it does not, even in places like China and Europe and likely will not due to the infrastructure outweighing the demand. You cannot have a bus stop on every single residence and landmark.

and ultimately the other solutions proposed are better to such a degree that rooting for electric cars is pretty much pointless


I just don't see what makes you believe this, so I'm not gonna argue against it.

I was referring to how the goal r/fuckcars puts forth (no car infrastructure) has only been seen in small, lowly populated areas that show no significant growth, so it is a bad goal.

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