Asking family members and friends of RETIRED boxers

It is easy to throw around CTE because of Netflix documentaries, movies, and news cycle sensationalism. As of now, CTE can only be determined after death. No doctor can tell someone they have CTE. Diagnosing your father / family member with CTE is akin to people diagnosing each other with coronavirus during flu season.

Brain damage occurs from boxing. Brain damage also occurs from alcoholism, drug use, car wrecks, ski accidents, seizures, slipping on ice, wrecking on a bicycle, etc. The point is that it can be hard to pinpoint that what everyone in this thread is describing was directly caused by boxing. Plenty of people have late developing mental health problems, become extremely depressed, become bipolar, develop neurological disorders, have memory problems, etc. without ever stepping in a boxing ring.

Having said all that, sustaining multiple subconcussive head impacts is not a good thing. However, there are a lot of well functioning retired boxers, football players, hockey players, etc.

/r/Boxing Thread