Asking for a raise from a new manager

Those are good things to keep in mind but I was not asking for a 30%+ raise, I was hoping for a 7-10%. I don't see where I listed the accomplishments and how I've impacted the team/company in my original post so I am not sure how you can be so quick to judge?

It's not a temporary raise. I was going to ask for it this year anyways.

In the type of field that I'm in, gaining experience and being able to apply that experience benefits the company immensely. I'm at a point in my career where I've stopped being just a consumer / user of information but am often asked (even outside of my team) for advice and help.

My accomplishments have also been that I have done over the past year or two have positively helped the company and the team that I'm on (reducing time, improving metrics, improving documentation, improving customer relations, reducing error, reducing cost, etc). I didn't list them because I don't see how it was relevant to /r/personalfinance and I don't want to go into specifics. It's not just, "Look how awesome i am..."

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