Asking me not to manspread is literal fascism

Are you serious? I didn't say anything particularly special there. It was all pretty basic. Do you need an explanation?

You are trying to prescribe what is and is not valid English based on strict, explicit rules you've devised yourself. This is called prescriptivism and is generally looked down upon by modern English linguists, as language is an ever-evolving thing and ultimately is never incorrect so long as meaning is conveyed well.

Portmanteau is the concept of conjoining two words to create a snappy single-word that is easier and faster to say. Common English portmanteaus include "motel" (motor and hotel), "smog" (smoke and fog), or "Eurasia" (Europe and Asia) You seem to be upset by the inventions of the portmanteaus "brocialist" and "manarchist", but these are well known and easily understood portmanteaus common in online English leftist circles, and are not in any way "an insult to the English language"

Please develop your reading skills further so I don't have to explain things like this to you.

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