[AskJS] What's your opinion about React 18 and do you feel the framework is at the forefront of innovation compared to Vue, Angular, Ember, Meteor, Mithril, Polymer and the others... is it going the right way for you or you would have changed a few things ?

StencilJS does everything react does but better. A lot of newer engineers these days can’t understand the difference between JSX and React.

There is 0 reason to use react apart from the popularity bandwagon. In other engineering fields opinions are tested and discussed along with licensing to ensure engineers are up to quality.

You have no such filter in web engineering, which is why Facebook has invested so much money into boot camps and other quick hire to work programs by promoting react.

There is 0 reason to use react, and any engineer arguing react is a good choice in 2022 is repeating propaganda. I have proven that scientifically with performance tests here: https://shahruk.com/posts/2022-03-24-React-Stencil-Analysis/

/r/javascript Thread