AskReddit, what's your "..... and then they never fucked with me again" story?

I was bullied throughout my entire time in school, just simply for the fact that I was quiet, not rude to teachers and was (still am) fat.

I had one main group of bullies throughout my ENTIRE time in school. They were a bunch of chavy girls who I got into several fights with, but none of them ever stopped bullying me.

Whilst I wish I could've stopped them, because they made my life hell everyday for five years, I did stop one kid, who followed me around nearly everyday for 30 minutes during breaktime, for about 4 weeks, just following me and calling me 'fatty.' I told him to fuck off, with additional insults, none of it worked.

So what did I do? I snapped.

A new day, bell for break rings, he immediately follows me out of the classroom and starts his verbal abuse. I would usually turn and insult him back, but I stayed dead silent for about ten minutes, letting all of my anger build up as I walked towards my next class. We got inside the next building over, and he was still talking his shit, this time adding "See, you can't say or do anything to me, because you're a fucking loser."

Oh, I could do something to him, I just held it back all the damn time so I wouldn't be arrested for attempted murder. Not today. I was going to let my anger go.

I slowly turned to face him, punching him directly in the nose, hearing it crunch, then I lifted him and literally threw him as far as I could across the corridor, causing everyone around to gasp in shock.

"This won't be happening again, will it, Michael?" I said to him, as I turned and escorted myself to the head teachers office and told him what I'd done and that I gave no fucks. Didn't get into trouble because a couple of members of staff had reported that he'd been seen following me a lot lately, but they couldn't get involved unless I reported him to the office first.

/r/AskReddit Thread