Asmon hosting the Scuffed podcast

This is really disappointing. Fuentes really doesn’t deserve to be amplified by Asmongold. I don’t really know the rest of these guys but Fuentes is an actual white nationalist.

"Beating" these people in a debate isn’t relevant, ignoring & shunning them is the most effective means of making sure their bullshit doesn’t spread.

For a broader look at the history of these new-nazis and their grift, the story of George Lincoln Rockwell is a great entry point.

I may get downvoted to shit for this, but treating neo-nazis as a circus sideshow to jeer and laugh at is really irresponsible. These guys are serious and should be treated as such.

It’s all well and good to come along and play the role of “good guy" by dunking on all their shitty ideas, but that’s just outrage porn and runs the risk of expanding their audience.

I’ve watched a bunch of Zack’s stuff and hope that he doesn’t get dazzled by high viewer numbers or social media engagement over this. These guys should not be given a platform or amplified.

/r/Asmongold Thread