Aspiring self-taught front end developer looking for wisdom/advice

I don't, and the reason is that I thought of things I found the most fun, and went on to learn those. Being around other people doesn't help me. When I'm learning, I have to focus (or else how do you learn?) and this makes conversations impossible. Maybe other people are geniuses and can do both, but I can't. I find it to be a peaceful solitude. I can't make any recommendations on this front, you will have to find what works for you.

If I have to say anything, it is that I think if you're doing this as a career then you should know everything that is happening under you. This means you should know how the entire process works, like how data is transmitted (is it using TCP? UDP? what layers under that?), the general idea of how the screen rendered with the DOM, how data is stored, how databases generally work, etc. That way when you run into a problem, you're never stuck. Then build everything on top of that. This way, every time you learn something new in web dev, or anything on the computer, it will all make sense quickly. I've found everything became way easier when I started with the foundation and moved up, rather than started at the top and moved down.

Is there a more efficient path? Maybe, but this was the key for maximizing my efficiency.

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