to ass drop

Don’t be foolish. That an act “hurt somebody” or that they were “a threat to somebody” is not the criteria necessary for her to have broken the law. How about someone smashes your car window at night, takes your stuff? Drives without insurance? Shoplifts? Blows a red light? Exposes themself to a child? Any of a thousand other cases where nobody was hurt, and they weren’t a threat to anybody. (And please, don’t say that by “hurt” you also meant “harmed in some non-physical way”, because that just undermines your own “who did she hurt?” point.)

Things are illegal. Doing illegal things gets you arrested if you’re caught. Don’t like that truth? Become the district attorney (don’t forget your law degree) and convince the population that your criteria for what’s illegal is right, that nothing that doesn’t involve harm or threats are arrest offenses, and good luck with that.

Did something illegal? A cop will tell you you’re under arrest. Once they say those words, anyone with a brain should know that there is exactly zero chance of you then NOT being arrested. No talking your way out of it, begging, crying, nope. You’re getting arrested. You could run or resist, in which case you’ll get manhandled, maybe tased, maybe knock your teeth out like the fool in the video, and still get arrested, too.

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