Assassin buffs helping Assassin Yi build

Typical builds are Warrior>Greaves>YGB>Shiv>Merc Scim get the QSS early if I need it. 6th item could be PD, BT, IE, TriF, GA, Deadman's, Banshee's. I'm usually building a defensive item when the game ends.

I was saying that at lvl 6 with just Warrior I'm doing about 750 with 2 AAs and a Q proc'ing Thunderlord's and using Challenging Smite. If I get another 2 AAs then I get 2.5 AD ratio dmg + 3 more procs of E and an additional 2 secs of burn from smite. 145 per AA, 11.5 per E proc, and 30 dps from smite. This is with 20 flat pen and 8 magic pen. Before mitigation that 2 seconds pays off in 457 dmg. So you can see that a large amount of the burst is coming from Q and Decree early on, but 228.5dps after that kind of burst is pretty deadly at level 6.

I don't need to compare very few AAs to show a good damage result. I use that because it's the most realistic situation. This setup is giving me huge burst, decent dps, and frequent ults. A real dps comparison would need to be done at 2 items, 3 items, etc. Having 42.5 flat pen at level 11 when you hit your 2nd lvl R powerspike just absolutely melts people. Your base AD at 11 is 86. 206x1.1(E)=226.6 total AD and 140.6 bonus AD. 42.18 from bonus AD plus 110 level scaling for Thunderlord's will come to 152. Challenging Smite does 40dps at level 11. If you're fed enough to have shiv, it does 100 dmg without crit at level 9. So it will do somewhere between 110-220 if you do crit, but that isn't precise estimation. Q at this point will do 165+1AD(226.6) with the potential to crit for 0.6AD additionally. Because of these two items' interactions with crit, a second crit item seems very good, but the game is usually over by then if I've needed to turn Vamp into Merc Scim.

I'm highly considering TriF as my 5th/6th item and also IE. TriF adds a lot more utility in Mv Spd, cdr, and more Mv Spd. Either would round my crit out to 50%, but IE will definitely add more damage if crits happen statistically true. Spellbalde procs would add 222 physical damage, but probably only once per target/kill/reset. Stacking Shiv, TriF, and Decree would stack up for a lot of damage, but it seems gimmicky compared to the increased dmg and AD from IE, which also increases dmg on Q crits to a 0.9 additional ratio. With 46 flat pen and approaching 400 AD, Qs will be a real nuke in team fights and not just a dodge. Do you remember how Yi was when he was first reworked? This feels like that.

Lategame if going a 6th offensive item, I would sell Warrior for GA.

This rune setup is the same as people were using before sated came out and back when I had a 62% winrate. 3-0 now today, hard carrying two of them. I'll get a link up by tomorrow.

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