Asshat Confronts Drone Hobbyist. Accusing him of being a Pedophile. Hobbyist Handles it like a Pro.

And you know what else is annoying as hell?

When you're going about your day, and you notice erratic movement in your peripheral... Turn and see that it's just a kid-- but at the same time you turned your head, their parent is already glaring?

These blink-of-an-eye interactions and judgements feel so incredibly dumb and vain... Like, this one time, I parked at the store--and my long hair (I'm a dude) got in my face as I got out of the door so I kinda flipped it, just with my hand-- Right then I notice a chick is glaring at me for a second--- because she thought I was a chick trying to flaunt some shampoo commercial trick or something? Anyway-- in this 2 second encounter, I could see her go through a spectrum of emotions-- All in the same instance she noticed that her boyfriend wasn't even looking, surprised that she was actually glaring at a dude who didn't care about her boyfriend, somehow both pale and blushing clearly ashamed or embarrassed that she was judging me or checking me out or something???

Even if I was interested in her or her boyfriend, how the hell would any of us have truly interacted when it was such a fleeting moment? What's the point of tripping with judgement when there's literally nothing to be learned in an encounter like that?

We're all paranoid of people even when they have more values in common with us, than differences.

Think, who's really made pedophilia a popular topic within the past couple decades?

The shitty, ulterior-motivated, alarmist news media?

Thing is, they're avoiding the other side of the issue entirely--- Why does it happen at all? Physiologically/Neurologically/Genetically/Culturally? What is being done about it? Would they show us any examples of decent people with a genetic predisposition to paedophilia, with both nothing to hide and who haven't caused harm or even disturbance? NO, because probably 90% of people don't want to have to do any critical thinking about anyone besides themselves and their own uncertainties.

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