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This asshole is every fanfiction writer's worst nightmare

This asshole is every fanfiction writer's worst nightmare

Technically I'm considering all possibilities, including that the original post on the other subreddit might just be an attempt to farm karma, the fact that yes you can look at it from the perspective of not uploading something that dear to you to the internet and be correct, and also that the guy who originally put this up is in fact an asshole if what he's saying is true. As he sought the fic out and then shared it rather than doing his due diligence as a manager.

This isn't a crime akin to sexual assault mind, or murder, and while feelings can be hurt and privacy "violated" (an ironic term to use given how willing we all are to sign away our privacy at a click just to use the digital services we love) several points of view in this particular instance can be equally right. As for my mention of misanthropy, that was my catch-all in case anyone should pull the "how would you feel argument." Which in and of itself is a shitty line of reasoning to use because it assumes something about the individual in question that might not be true, in this case that I'd feel just as devastated.

Which I just wouldn't.

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