Assuming a white person to be privileged based on the colour of their skin, is essentially the same as assuming a black person is a criminal based on the colour of their skin.

Can fully concur. If you're white and you live in Dubai, you're pay scale goes up into a different range all together. You could go to r/dubai and confirm this. I'm not making this shit up. I grew up and worked in that city but being an Indian immigrant meant that my pay was limited to the color of my skin. On the other hand, if you come from US, Australia, UK, or any European country, you are assured a better pay package. And I don't mean a couple of extra grand, I'm talking 5x or 6x more the pay of anyone from the Indian subcontinent. Sure, you wont make as much as an Arab but you're already treated better in that city. If I were white, I would be working my butt off in that tax free city for a couple of years just to save money.

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