Astro Bot is PS4's 2nd highest rated new Sony IP and one of the best platformers ever made

This game holds nothing compared to the Mario franchise. The Mario franchise has way deeper mechanics as far as platforming. The amount of move set's in Mario is tenfold. you can leap, then roll, then jump, super jump duck, double jump, jump off walls this so far I can just hover jump and punch. I've only played the first 3 levels I'll admit, but it's like the no name brand of platformers. The enemies look uninspiring, plane, generic etc. The camera also doesn't tail the robot, so sometimes the character might be extremely high and hard to see. at one point he had to walk over a clear bridge right above me so I had to twist my neck to try to figure out where he's going. Then I decided to try play while standing, I could see more and better. You also can't freely explore in the game, the camera only goes forward, so if you miss something you will have to play the level again. But having said that, this game did genuinely put a smile and was worth the purchase. The B version of Wall-e in this is game is cute as hell. As I get deeper in the game I'm sure I will enjoy it more, more mechanics might be introduced. I just wanted to share some of the imperfections I found in the game cause most vr user's don't seem to critical and over praise things to compensate for the lack of user base and whatnot. Or review bomb games high as fast as possible. I also Might be critical cause I truly feel no game will ever deserve a 10 out of 10, the perfect game doesn't exist, and will probably never exist. Having said all that I'd definitely recommend this game, just be aware that it's not perfect, but inspiring to see the tech evolve and grow.It's really interesting how vr enhances games. Vr is like Pizza, even bad pizza still tastes good.

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