ASTRONOMERS: New densest object found somewhere in China

I went to that post, a comment a little bit down:

Your frustrations are mine as well.

They justify their actions by saying that you are free to speak, but not free from the consequences of speaking. The end result is still no freedom of speech. They might as well be saying "oh yeah I can promise you freedom of speech, just not freedom after speech!" They're so delusional they can't see through the haze of their own hypocrisy.

Article 35 of the 1982 Chinese constitution:

"citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession, and of demonstration."

Say what you will about us in the US. We may have a LOT of problems. Police brutality may be rampant, our president has violated the constitution a number of times, thrown immigrants in cages, all as we slowly slide into political chaos. We do need to fix things, and a lot of us are trying to.

But at least we don't heavily censor our media outlets, massacre protesters and censor it, throw political dissidents in jail, or harvest the organs of ethnic minorities and practicers of a religion. All of which they show no signs of stopping.

An outstanding number of us are absolute hypocrites. But at least some of us will admit it. r/Sino's lack of self awareness is incredible, and their hypocrisy is even more so.

/r/HongKong Thread Link -