[i ate] Brazilian Cheese cake

There's not a rule up there yet that would describe this situation, but I'd kind of loop it in #8 since this just seemed like a good way to rack up free karma.

OP basically posted something and said "I ate Brazilian Cheesecake" when even on the menu, most of the desserts have the word "Brazilian" in front of it (Brazilian Flan, Brazilian Papaya Cream, etc.) Just throwing the word "Brazilian" in front of it doesn't make it Brazilian, I'd argue it's the opposite. And, saying you had Brazilian Cheesecake is completely misleading when you didn't eat it in Brazil, you ate it at a chain restaurant in Southern California. It's an automatic way to attract comments on here about the authenticity, which equals views, which equals karma.

So yeah, I'd lump this post in with #8 - but that's just me.

/r/food Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it