Atheist Response to Transcendental Idealism Anyone?

And in point of fact, Transcendental Idealism does not stipulate that time and space (or actual reality objects) is a creation of the mind.

It stipulates that the thing-in-itself comes to us through the form of space-and-time, or representation, generated by the mind. It gestures towards something out there that this representation somehow applies to — and must apply to for our practical lives to make sense — but can make no judgement on what that is.

And your rebuttal was masterful (well, perhaps, if you had made one).

Correct, I didn’t make one. I’m afraid your writing is incredibly poor — a real agony to read. I’ll have a go though…

I did fail to point out that 'time', and, hence, cause and effect using the metric of time, does not apply to the entirety of the phenomenology (via sensibility to create a representation in the reasoned rational mind) of what humans can observe within the observable universe and represents a hasty generalization fallacy.

Can you point to an directly observable instance of eternity? Unlikely.

‘matter created the universe’ is a strawman

Yeah, luckily I never said it, nor claimed that anyone else did.

Just as I have come to expect that such arguments appear to reply upon 'disproving' (or removing support for) materialism/physicalism, but rarely present (and credible support) an alternative to materialistic/physicalistic worldviews

Well that’s something else entirely.

So OP, if not materialism/physicalism as a worldview — what worldview do you posit is the most true (or would you claim that your worldview is truth)? If you feel up to the challenge (and can leave the sanctimonious attitude and tone out of your posts), consider making a new post stating your worldview, presenting a proof or supporting presentation for this worldview, and then defending your worldview against criticism and refutation. The presence (or not) of God(s)/religion in your worldview is not relevant. Let's see what you got.

Funny to be accused of a ‘sanctimonious attitude’ from someone who starts sentences with ‘I have come to expect...’ But in any case, I am up to this challenge, and can do it, but as I’m busy (although can’t offer ‘proof,’ which is impossible) and as there’s a good chance I’ll have to wade through your agonising prose to seriously debate it with you, we’ll see.

Thanks for spending all that time writing though! Bye!

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