Atheist vs Agonostic

You should go to the youtube channel Nate Broady and watch his last couple videos about Steve, and/or go to Modern Day Debates and watch Steve's "debates" about the definition of atheism(he has another one scheduled for later today). Don't forget to read the comments because they're half the fun. He's obsessed with this topic because negative atheism means that he's a type of atheist, which he feels diminishes his Agnostic Snowflake status. He's been on this crusade against atheism for years, and like the manatee he is he burns every bridge he has and later plays the victim. Matt Dillahunty and Aron Ra blocked him on social media because he wouldn't stop hounding them with his agnostic bullshit. That's part of the reason the NonSequitur Show went to hell, because the higher profile guests wouldn't be on with Steve there. I used to think Steve was an ok guy until I jumped down this rabbit hole. He fancies himself a controversial figure, but he's just a smug and pretentious moron.

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