Atheists are immoral?

I find it sad that people of religion or “faith” leave the guidance of their lives up to a book which was not written by God, it’s merely a book of stories and interpretation is ever changing. If you hide behind a religion or faith to validate your behavior, treatment and judgement of others, you are a coward. There is no book, no religion and no god that gives a human the right to pass judgement on another and if you need all of that bullshit to direct you on how to behave as a human being than I hope there is a god and I hope they are ready to explain how they defended his honor by being hateful, spiteful, bigoted and judgmental in his name. If there is a god... I’m pretty sure this wasn’t what he expected from the people who call themselves “faithful”. I was raised Catholic but as an adult, I’ve gone “astray” and don’t believe in the magic man in the sky or a virgin who gave birth. How does a religion foster a man and wife, a family unit when god himself left Mary a single unwed mother??? Makes no sense. If we’re all Gods children then god made the gays too!!! It is the religious people using “God” to spew hatred while condemning those who don’t need religion to have open hearts and love without judgement. The Bible is a book of stories. Religious people are more concerned with being “good Christians” instead of being good humans. A true Christian would respect the mortal life their “god” gave them and use it in a positive way. Whenever they pull that bullshit about God’s and gays I just reply that god never made me hate someone. I’m just a human with love in my heart for all people. It’s sad that god makes you hate people. I guess that’s between you and your maker. The very definition of religion is having faith, thus making it nothing more than a belief and not a reality. I support those who believe and it helps them. If it brings you comfort, solace, understanding and promotes positive things I accept that but to use it as a shield to defend hatred and horrible acts against your fellow humans.... you’re a coward and should be shunned by any person of faith. They forget that the devil was once an angel too.

/r/rant Thread