Atheists of Reddit, when did you stop believing and what caused it?

When I died & had to be resuscitated. If you want to know what’s waiting for you after you die: nothing. There’s nothing. There’s not even awareness that there’s nothing until you’re brought back & you’re like, “Well, all right then. Guess that’s it.” I can understand why some people need religion. Some people literally need it spelled out for them to not be an ultimate dick. Some people need to be threatened with torture for all of eternity to get them to stop being dicks. Some people need to be promised happiness in an afterlife if they can’t seem to find it in this one. Some people need to be surrounded by others to feel like they belong. I get it. I do. It would be nice to be ignorant (unaware). That’s a rather nice privilege others have.

/r/AskReddit Thread