Atheists, since you're not living for Jesus/God anymore, what are you living for now?

I have some serious questions:

+What is the definition of a good life?

+You didn't exist a short time ago and now you deny that you were created and instead claim it's by the power of evolution/chance that you are here. How?

+If evolution brought you here, or a galaxy exploding 13.4 Billion Years ago (most reasonable current argument for evolution) how can that be worth the pain and suffering that you and your family have endured and will still undoubtedly encounter more of?

+Have you considered what a movie would look like if it told the story of evolution, would it really be more believable than Genesis?

+It is said that God cannot exist because the Bible doesn't explain how He came into existence, except that's exactly the reason they give for evolution, we just popped out of nothingness billions of years ago and now we are here. Right?



Not trying to appear demeaning or poking fun. I posed the questions how I would like questions asked mesimple and to the point.

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