"The attack [in Benghazi] was alsmost certainly preventable." Blumenthal confirms.

BuildThePrison #BuildThePrison #BuildThePrison

First, a key theoretical - Trump is elected.

I propose that Trump and his new justice department engage in wholsale Treason investigations of all members of congress, senate, judiciary, lobbyists, and all exeutive members of every agency from 1999 onward. I propose that these investigations commence immediatly upon assumption of office. I also propose that an 8000 to 10000 room prison be constructed for the incarceration of those found guilty of Treason. The prison terms shall vary based on the rank of the individual who committed the Treason and the magnitude of the crime.

In order to finance the investigators, the court, and the prison facility - I propose a 1/20 percent tax on all earnings above 30k for all people, not just citizens, for everyone who earns income in the United States. I propose a 10 year sunset on the tax with no legal continuation in jeopardy of a term in said prison, at which time, the prison will be handed over to the federal prison system for administration no further special assessments made. The first 500 cells will be constructed immediately on assumption of office by executive order along with beginning court and investgator assets. The initial program will be funded by seized assets of the Treasonous and special issued Treasury bond issued to the people.

This program will allow the United States of America to purge the Treasonous from high offices without enduring a situation as what occurred in the French Revolution.

BuildThePrison #BuildThePrison #BuildThePrison #BuildThePrison

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - mobile.twitter.com