Attack on Titan’s Gabi was inspired by Game of Thrones’ Arya Stark

The funny thing is that while Gabi was a literal anime (or manga to be exact) character that kept pulling absurd feats in combat for no other reason than that the plot demanded it and she was kind of lacking in much subtlety at all (yes she's a foil to the main character, we get it, yes war is horrible and she's a victim as much as anyone) she still managed to feel like more than an actual human being than Arya Stark from seasons 5+.

Like at least Gabi as a character, for all the lack of subtlety in her arc, was at least an ok vehicle to keep hammering down the anti-war theme at the core of Attack on Titan.

Meanwhile we have ASoIaF where much of the fourth book is spent in dreary self reflection on the pointlessness of war and how it crushes the small folk in particular to drive down the anti-war themes and Arya is no longer a traumatized child consumed by vengeance but ultra badass, lady terminator 5000 handing out stabbings and one liners left and right, not a shred of the damaged war orphan remaining.

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