Attacks on police officers would be classified as hate crimes under California bill

OK first off - I do not like people getting killed, cops, crab fishermen, people with no guns with their back to the police.

That being said why do people make so much stuff up? When are people actively hunting cops to kill them? How many police have died because of this compared to the number of cops that are killed while pursuing the ad guy.

Cops are shot at because the bad guy does not want to get caught. The cop is a clear and present danger to the bad guy. Cops are rarely just targeted. I suspect if you looked at the numbers of crab fisherman murdered by bad guys, it could correlate pretty well with cops killed by bad guys targeting them while not committing another crime. But see, I understand that last bit was speculation, not a fact that should be acted upon.

Tell you what, when you can come up with proof that those guys shooting cops hate them and are just not afraid of them, you could discuss the idea. But right now you are making something somebody volunteers for equivalent to racism. As much as I hate seeing people get killed, I think cops should not be elevated above normal people. When you make one group of people different from another group on purpose, you will run into the us against them thing. And ask any veteran cop what he thinks about non cops. If you aint blue you probably broke the law at some point.

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