Why give them attention?

I'm not laughing at their struggles. Many things they face are serious common problems, self confidence, anxiety, depression, social anxiety, poor self views. I'm not laughing at that. I'm laughing at the shocking things they decide to blame it on, and laughing at the fact they think they are the only one with these very common problems that different people face.

Incels to me is a self identified name. It's a clique. And if you don't "suffer" as much as them, you can't be one. It's like "You're not goth enough to be in thr goth club". It's petty and foolish and all it does is seperate them and make them reject other people who struggle with these things purely since they choose not to identify as that foolish word "incel".

I like viewing foolish things like that. It's the same reason those dumb Housewives shows are so popular, because it's drama. It's why there is r/cringe r/niceguys, etc. Doesn't make us weird or immoral or too hooked up on them. It's just something that happens to catch our interest that we like to rant about.

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