Attn everybody on Reddit: If You Call Your US Senator, Whether Republican Or Democrat, & Ask Him Or Her To Tell The President To Get Our Troops Out Of Saudi Arabia, He Might Actually Listen To Us.

But it might force the Dems to consider it as a wedge issue against Trump, at least the more left-wing ones. Even that kind of leftward movement from some could influence the position of any prospective frontrunner, and change the platform of their nominee.

If the Dem nominee wants our troops out, it would put in a tough position to defend himself for the swing voters who wanted him for his non-intervention stance. In this case, Trump might be pressured to change course.

I mean, if enough people speak up and support is wide and loud enough, can Trump's personal interests or the interventionist foreign policy establishment really hold sway against a real popular revolt against that policy?

/r/Libertarian Thread Parent