Attractive people of Reddit, when did you realize you were "hot"? What are the pros and cons?

It was when I entered college. I'm not THAT attractive, but according to Filipino standards I am basically a Victoria's Secret Model (Being white and conventionally attractive turns you into a fucking goddess in the Philippines).

I was complimented on my looks several times a day. I noticed that suddenly, I was being asked out more, and several people had very obvious crushes on me. When I came out as gay, several people remarked that the entire lesbian population of my college was probably crying out in joy, and somehow every person I know knows of at least one person who was attracted to me at some point. When I joined the lesbian dating app Her, I just left it alone for a couple days due to being busy, but when I checked it I had about 20 new likes and friend requests. I matched with nearly everybody I liked on Tinder as well.

The pros are that it's not hard for me to find dates. Whenever I get broken up with, I spend a maximum of two hours on Tinder once I'm over it and I'm immediately asked out. Being "hot" also makes you more confident, and you look forward to walking around campus knowing that people are staring at you. I know it sounds vain, but it's a great feeling.

People approach you first, so it's extremely easy to make new friends (this only really works if you're nice to people, though).

You can focus more on other aspects of your life- studies, making money, hobbies, etc, because you're not self conscious about your looks and ways to look more attractive.

Cons are you get very vain, and self conscious. People are more likely to point out things about your appearance. You get comments like "Why are you wearing pants? You're usually in skirts. You should keep doing that, you have nice legs" from teachers.

You can also become kind of an asshole (I already know from this post I sound very vain and asshole-ish, which I am fully aware of and trying to improve). You get thoughts like "I am the most attractive person in this room so I don't have to worry about whether that girl will get to the person I like first."

People notice you. In fact, they notice a little too much. Random strangers on campus know who you are- you're not some unforgettable face in the hallways. You're "That Hot Chick". You're so-and-so's crush. You're the student who somehow magically gets higher grades than everyone else in the class because the teacher is male and you smiled at him politely once. You're That Girl, the one every girl you know of in a relationship is suspicious of. You're the "You're not really gay, you're too attractive" girl. You're the "I didn't know you were so nice, everyone is afraid to talk to you because you're so intimidating" person. These are all real quotes from people that have talked to me. Needless to say I only have one extremely close knit set of friends that I stick to.

I know the con list is quite long, but I'd say it's all pretty worth it to be able to look in the mirror and whisper "I'd bang me" and mean it.

/r/AskReddit Thread