[AU] I U turned into oncoming traffic going 110 kph.

This was your entire comment that I replied to:

Well right but he THOUGHT the GPS was telling him to turn there. And since we take actions based on our beliefs rather than objective reality itself....

I'd seen the OP post elsewhere in the thread contradicted what you said in your comment, so I replied to point this out. That is not fucking 'nitpicking', that is pointing out were mistaken. That's it.

But my point still remains, that you have to go with what the road says. And to those that have a GPS, if the GPS says one thing, you DON'T automatically assume that that instruction is correct.

But that wasn't the comment I was replying to, and has absolutely nothing to do with with the comment I was replying do.

Good god.

/r/Roadcam Thread Parent Link - streamable.com