It's the audio equivalent of someone replying all to a mass email.

I do not know how long ago this conference call was but there is (today) absolutely a way for them to know it was you. If you log on (and do not block your number) look at the attendees and and look when someone is speaking. There are audio bars highlighting your call in number when you are speaking and not on mute. MAKE SURE YOU ARE MUTED EVERY TIME. As a side note, this drives me fucking insane. When your boss, or some corporate ladder climber sends out a mass text, DO NOT REPLY ALL, REPLY INDIVIDUALLY! For fuck sake, I could care less about what everyone is doing every single time. If it is work related, OK, fine. But, there are always those fucktards who think it is funny to add side conversations and make me check my texts or emails when it has nothing to do with work. Not only do I have to check my texts and email for your simpleton joke but I have to check when all of the other idiots reply. If this goes on by a factor of 10, I have thousands of emails to open and feel my sphincter driving through my body, towards my head making it explode. Example - Someone just had a baby. I get 600 emails saying congratulations bc 600 idiots are too lazy and stupid to hit reply to that specific person. Then 500 reply to that person to say nice to hear from you and add some other bullshit to which they reply to EVERYONE. Are you that fucking stupid!!! For some reason they feel the need to see their name in lights or "show" those on management teams / executive committees they are "team" players or "engaged". Fuck you and fuck off!!!!!!!! You assholes are making everyone in the entire company open you "congrats email" and hate you!! Stop! Just fucking stop! I just let out a monster rant with soapbox drama. I have a feeling I may feel Reddits wrath.

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