Austin Police Association: "because people have been pointing out how poorly we do our job, we will continue to do it poorly causing harm to the citizens we are sworn to protect."

I’m confused on how this is the police’s fault? If they used the force needed to really control a crowd that large then all of you would be saying “police brutality” but since they got overrun now they’re “incompetent” I don’t support the APD as much as the next guy, but it seems like y’all are mad just for the sake of being mad. The police are human beings too they’re not some unstoppable force that can solve all problems. I agree they shouldn’t complain about their funding considering that they have the greatest funding they’ve had currently in history, but what do y’all want? Like really what do y’all want? Just to incessantly complain into the void on Reddit? All of you guys hate the police until one of them saves your goddamn life. Happened to me.

/r/Austin Thread Link -