Australia plans random drug tests for people receiving welfare

You have a Freedom of Information Act of some kind I'm sure. Use it to gather info on the selection process. Challenge the award that gives Indue the contract. Challenge the terms of the contract. Be vocal about it, and appeal to the conservative mindset.

"Hey I'm all for making poor people jump through hoops for food. I'm not some kind of tree hugger. But I want to make sure we're getting our money's worth from this drug testing company. How were they selected? How was a price negotiated? Was there any competition, and if not, why not? If so, why was Indue picked over the others? Who owns Indue, and do they have any influence on who gets government contracts? Does Indue employ lobbyists to get government work?"

and so forth. Keep at it, and competing drug testing companies may even lend their weight to the cause. Or not...they already know that once the sweetheart deal falls through, the whole program will likely die. Because as you and I know, this isn't about stamping out drug abuse in poor communities at all.

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