Australian Built Motorcycle with 2.0L V8 engine, most powerful production bike in the world.

A little googling reveals that the bike produces up to 384 horsepower.

The aerodynamic drag that the bike experiences at a given speed is 0.5ρACv2, where ρ is air density, A is projected frontal area of the motorcycle, C is its drag coefficient and v is its velocity.

Rolling friction of the motorcycle is given by μmg, where μ is the rolling friction coefficient of the motorcycle's wheels, m is the mass of the motorcycle and g is acceleration due to gravity.

Thus, the total drag that the motorcycle experiences at a given speed is the sum of the two expressions, 0.5ρACv2+μmg.

The power required to overcome the drag forces at a given speed is Fv, where F is the drag force, and v is the velocity.

Substituting 0.5ρACv2+μmg for F yields the formula P = 0.5ρACv3 + μmgv, where P is the power required for the motorcycle to overcome both aerodynamic and rolling friction.

Since we know that the motorcycle is 384 horsepower, we convert that to about 286,000 watts, and plug that in for P. Air density at STP is 1.225 kg/m3. We can assume the projected frontal area of the motorcycle and rider to be about 0.85 m2, if the rider is in full tuck. The coefficient of drag is a little tricky and varies between motorcycles from 0.6 for streamlined sports bikes to 1.0 for unstreamlined bikes. For the purposes of this calculation, I'll assume that it's 0.95. The rolling resistance of both motorcycle tires will likely be at around 0.04 at high speeds. A Google search reveals that the weight of the bike is about 242 kg, and gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s2. With that in mind, we get:

286000 = (0.5)(1.225)(0.85)(0.95)v3 + (0.04)(242)(9.8)v

Solving for v, we get 82.5 meters per second/184 mph/297 kph. If the drag coefficient is lowered from 0.95 to 0.9, the maximum possible speed is 84 meters per second/188 mph/302 kph. That puts it almost on par with a stock Hayabusa. Fast, but not insane, YTT 2K-fast.

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