AuthRight at it again

Oh, no, I believe your god exists. I just believe that the Abrahamic god is utterly unworthy of worship, that jealous fantasy of a goat-fucker's imagination.

Now, real talk --- assuming you're Christian. Stop here if you aren't.

Can we lay down our politics and call a truce for a second? Deal?

*** beyond this point, here be a wall o' text; if thou be'est a shit-poster, then please carry on with thy life ***

Jesus is based AF. I've always respected HIM, though not his father. I don't care if HE ever existed or not; I worship HIM, whoever HIS father may be.

I mean, my father's a piece of shit, too. I'm from a broken family, whose father was an ex-Marine who tried to murder me when I was two years old. I admire Jesus, whoever HE is and was, and I'd be a Christian, if only I didn't have to put up with HIS followers, who are some of the most hypocritical people I've ever met. To paint a picture: I called on my church for help when I was young, vulnerable, and in dire need, and they responded "but muh personal responsibility, hyuk hyuk hyuk fuck you, sinner, good luuuuck!"

From that moment on, I hated your god, while still respecting its SON. This is why I'm a leftist, more than theory, more than anything. Your god sucks, but its SON is pretty fucking based.

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