I have Autism, and Autistic people are the worst.

I’ve only had them pay me well when I guilt them. I can think of 2 examples.

1) (serving) A business group would come in an hour before close, stay an hour after close, and always tipped between 15-20%. They were assholes, needy, and I could tell they didn’t like me as their waitress because of how excited they’d get when they had any another server. Anyway, one day they left and forgot to tip entirely. So the next time they came and they asked, “What’s wrong? You seem like you’re in a sour mood,” I told them they spend a lot of time after close not tipping. They tipped me double to “make up for last time” and walked on eggshells anytime after that.

2) (managing a bar) A guy who purchased a private event thinks he owns the place every time he comes in, like he’s VIP or something. That was months ago and no one cares. He didn’t pay his tab, then called to pay the next day and left no tip when paying over the phone. The next time he came in I told him how his failure to pay resulted in my staff not getting paid. He overtipped the whole night, tipping $5/drink instead of his usual $1-3/drink; then he put a $20 bill in at the end.

Sometimes you just gotta tell people when they’re dicks.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread