Auto repeat should be a thing.

How is one playing the game when using auto battle though? If tapping the screen 3 times to rerun a stage constitutes as playing, I’m at a loss for words.

Personally, it made sense to me that the actual playable parts of the game are the parts that require actual strategy and planning ie. Arena, GW, Raid, Abyss. The things people would actually like to focus on. It’s not like people just sit and tap there screen for five hours straight farming the same stage uninterrupted. A lot of us like to multitask and do things in between. And that being the case, it’s already a proven fact that people would rather not put up with the monotony. It’s like you said, we already have to refresh stam, sell inv and pick fodder. Having us tap the screen to refill stam every ten minutes instead of tapping the screen every two minutes hardly sounds like a game changer, let’s be honest.

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