Automoderator should not be allowed to sticky comments

That study has oodles of caveats, though.

We found that adding a sticky comment with the rules has a positive 7.3 percentage point effect on the chance that a newcomer’s comment will not be removed by moderators on average across r/science, holding all else constant.

Beyond newcomers, sticky comments increased rule-compliance across all commenters by 2.2 percentage points, on average across all posts.

2.2% is not much. 7.3% is a little better.

Also, this is pretty odd:

And rather than reducing participation, posting the rules increases the incidence rate of newcomer comments by 38.1% on average.

I can't intuit any reason for this behavior, but going by the data, the increased volume more than offsets the incidence rate.

It's not my intention to tell you how to run your sub, but I still think the admins should consider how overuse of automoderator can diminish it's effectiveness.

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